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IPO Lisboa

12 drawings, 12 stickers, loads of dreams

Under the motto “Este Natal digo Presente”, this was the solidarity project developed by Cupido for IPO Lisboa in 2020.
Because better than a good gift is an offer with meaning, Cupid conceived and operationalized
this Campaign based on a kit of stickers with drawings made by the children of IPO Lisboa. 12 drawings, 12 stickers and many dreams…
In partnership with CTT, these kits are sold in their physical stores and also in the online store, reversing the revenues in favor of IPO Lisboa, more specifically for the requalification of the “Home of Patients” of the Institute.
The companies also wanted to join this initiative and despite being prevented from the usual Christmas gatherings, they wanted to keep alive the solidarity spirit, acquiring personalized kits to offer to their employees, customers and partners.

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